Our planet Earth is a beautiful and magnificent place that people often take for granded. People have taken advantage of our Earth and have created many issues within our planet. We want to be the change and fight to keep this beautiful planet our home. Earth's nature is breathtaking and people should take a step back to appreicate the beauty.
Contact Us for more InformationWe are a non-profit orgnaization passionate about saving our beautiful planet, Earth. There are many environmental issues facing the planet today but, we have three main focuses.
The carbon dioxide levels on Earth have contiously been rising over the past decades. This has lead to a dramatic increase in temperatures all across the world. As the temperature continues to rise, catastrophic events continue to occur.
About 1.3 billon tons of trash is wasted per year. People throw away a suprising amount of items and food. There are options to eliminate this waste and be more enviornmentally friendly. People can shop smarter, receyle and invest in environmental items.
It is predicated that by the year of 2030 Earth may only have about 10% of it's forests left. This is a very saddening fact that majority Earth's nature could be gone in less than 10 years.
The most threathening circumstance to our planet right now is the excess amount of trash and pollution. People can contribute to solving this problem by creating simple solutions such as receyling. If everyone made an effort to receyle, our planet would be one step closer to being saved.
Deforestation is the leading cause in climate change. As people continue to cut down our forets, the wildlife will continue to die. The circle of life will then be disturbed, causing the food chain to be disrupted. We must continue to fight agaist deforestation.